build insane triceps by doing skull crushers – laz – tymoff

build insane triceps by doing skull crushers - laz - tymoff

1. Introduction to Skull Crushers

If you want massive triceps that turn heads, skull crushers are a must in your workout build insane triceps by doing skull crushers – laz – tymoff routine. This exercise specifically targets the triceps brachii, which makes up the majority of your upper arm mass. While biceps often get all the attention, the triceps are equally important in creating an aesthetic and powerful arm.

The name “skull crusher” might sound intimidating, but it’s simply because of the motion: lowering a bar or dumbbell toward your forehead before pressing it back up. It’s an isolation exercise, meaning it focuses on one muscle group, which in this case is your triceps.

Importance of Triceps Training

Your triceps play a crucial role in pressing movements like the bench press, overhead press, and push-ups. Without strong triceps, you’ll struggle to build strength in these lifts. A well-rounded upper body workout should always include some dedicated triceps work to ensure balance and strength across all your pressing muscles.

Training your triceps doesn’t just give you that defined look, it also improves your functional strength. Whether you’re lifting heavy objects, playing sports, or even just doing daily activities, your triceps are engaged in many pushing and pulling motions.

2. Benefits of Skull Crushers

Skull crushers are more than just a cool-sounding exercise; they offer numerous benefits that can help you sculpt and strengthen your arms. Here’s why they should be part of your training regimen.

Why Skull Crushers Are Effective

Skull crushers are excellent for directly targeting the long head of the triceps, which is often neglected in other exercises. This part of the triceps is key for arm size and contributes significantly to the overall appearance of the arm.

The isolation of the triceps in this movement makes it one of the best for building mass and strength. Unlike compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, skull crushers hone in on the triceps, ensuring maximum stimulation. This helps in creating the muscle definition and size that so many lifters desire.

Multiple Variations

Another great benefit of skull crushers is their versatility. You can do them with different types of equipment, including barbells, dumbbells, and even cables. Each variation hits the triceps slightly differently, which is great for developing a more well-rounded set of muscles.

Skull crushers are also easily adaptable for different fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced lifter looking for advanced techniques, you can modify the weight, angle, and equipment to match your abilities.

3. Proper Form for Skull Crushers

Proper form is critical when performing skull crushers, both to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury. Despite being an excellent triceps exercise, skull crushers can be dangerous if performed incorrectly due to the movement of a heavy weight toward your head.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Skull Crushers

  1. Set Up the Equipment: Start by lying down on a flat bench with your feet flat on the ground. Hold a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip. Keep your arms extended straight up toward the ceiling, perpendicular to your body.
  2. Lower the Weight: Slowly lower the bar or dumbbells towards your forehead, bending only at your elbows. Your upper arms should remain stationary and vertical throughout the movement. Keep control of the weight at all times to avoid dropping it too quickly.
  3. Push Back to the Starting Position: Once the weight reaches your forehead or just above it, press the weight back up by extending your elbows, returning to the starting position. Ensure that your arms fully extend at the top, squeezing your triceps for a moment before lowering the weight again.

Key Tips for Proper Form

  • Control the Weight: Never let the weight drop too quickly. Always use a slow and controlled motion to keep the tension on the triceps throughout the movement.
  • Elbow Positioning: Keep your elbows tucked in and don’t allow them to flare out, which can take the focus off the triceps and put strain on your shoulders.
  • Grip: Using a narrower grip can increase triceps activation, but be mindful of how it affects your wrists. A wider grip can help alleviate pressure but may reduce triceps involvement.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even though skull crushers are straightforward, there are several common mistakes that can hinder your progress or even cause injury. Learning what to avoid will help you get the most out of this powerful triceps exercise.

Mistake #1: Letting the Elbows Flare Out

A common mistake is allowing your elbows to flare outward as you lower the weight. This not only reduces the effectiveness of the exercise but also places unnecessary strain on your shoulders and chest muscles. The goal is to keep your elbows close to your body so that the triceps do the majority of the work.

Mistake #2: Using Too Much Weight

Skull crushers are an isolation exercise, meaning they target a specific muscle group. Using too much weight often leads to bad form, like using momentum to lift the weight or compromising your elbow position. Stick to a weight that allows you to control the movement and maintain proper form.

Mistake #3: Neglecting Range of Motion

Not going through a full range of motion is another mistake that prevents you from fully engaging the triceps. Lower the weight as close to your forehead as possible without causing discomfort, and extend your arms fully at the top of each rep.

5. Skull Crusher Variations

Skull crushers can be performed in various ways depending on the equipment available, your goals, and personal preferences. Changing up your routine with different variations will keep things fresh and challenge your triceps in new ways.

Barbell Skull Crushers

Barbell skull crushers are the traditional version of the exercise. Using a barbell allows for heavier weight, which is great for building strength. An EZ curl bar can also be used to reduce the strain on your wrists while still providing an effective triceps workout.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers

Dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion and can help fix muscle imbalances. By using two independent weights, each arm works equally hard, ensuring balanced development. Dumbbells also give you more flexibility in adjusting your grip, which can reduce stress on the wrists and elbows.

Cable Skull Crushers

If you’re looking for constant tension throughout the entire movement, try cable skull crushers. Cables provide resistance throughout the entire range of motion, keeping the triceps under constant stress, which is ideal for hypertrophy. This variation also allows for a smoother motion compared to free weights.

6. Dumbbell vs. Barbell Skull Crushers

Both dumbbells and barbells can be used for skull crushers, and each has its own advantages. Choosing between the two often comes down to your personal preference, training goals, and equipment availability.

Benefits of Barbell Skull Crushers

  • More Load: With a barbell, you can typically handle more weight, making it ideal for strength building.
  • Stable Grip: A barbell provides a more stable grip, which can make the exercise easier to control, especially if you’re using heavy weights.
  • Wrist-Friendly: Using an EZ bar instead of a straight bar can be more comfortable on your wrists.

Benefits of Dumbbell Skull Crushers

  • Unilateral Training: Dumbbells force each arm to work independently, helping to correct any muscle imbalances.
  • More Range of Motion: You can achieve a greater range of motion with dumbbells, which allows for deeper muscle engagement.
  • Joint Flexibility: Dumbbells allow for a more natural hand position, reducing the strain on your wrists and elbows.

7. Skull Crushers vs. Tricep Dips

Both skull crushers and tricep dips are excellent exercises for building triceps, but they work in slightly different ways and have their own benefits. Comparing the two can help you decide which one fits best into your routine.

Skull Crushers: Isolated Triceps Movement

Skull crushers are a pure isolation exercise, meaning they focus entirely on the triceps. This makes them great for targeting specific parts of the triceps muscle, particularly the long head. Skull crushers allow you to work the triceps without putting too much stress on your shoulders or chest.

Tricep Dips: Compound Movement

Tricep dips, on the other hand, are a compound movement that involves not only the triceps but also the shoulders, chest, and core. While dips are excellent for building overall upper body strength, they don’t isolate the triceps as well as skull crushers.

Which One Should You Choose?

If your primary goal is triceps size and definition, skull crushers are your best bet due to their ability to isolate the triceps. However, if you’re looking for a more functional movement that also engages other upper body muscles, tricep dips should definitely be part of your routine.

For best results, incorporating both exercises into your program can help ensure balanced development of your triceps and upper body strength.

8. Programming Skull Crushers Into Your Routine

Skull crushers are a great addition to any upper body or arms-focused workout routine. Whether you’re training for size, strength, or endurance, programming them properly is crucial for achieving your goals.


You can include skull crushers in your workout 1-2 times per week. Since it’s an isolation exercise, you don’t need to do it every day to see results. Instead, focus on quality reps and good form during your workouts.

For beginners, once per week is enough. As you progress and your recovery improves, you can increase the frequency to twice per week, especially if you’re focusing on growing your triceps.

Combining With Compound Movements

To get the most out of your triceps workouts, combine skull crushers with compound movements like the bench press, overhead press, or dips. This allows you to work your triceps from different angles and under different loads, promoting well-rounded development.

For example:

  • Workout 1: Skull Crushers + Bench Press
  • Workout 2: Skull Crushers + Overhead Press

This approach ensures that you’re not only isolating your triceps but also working them in compound movements that mimic real-world strength applications.

9. Best Rep and Set Range for Triceps Growth

The rep and set range you choose for skull crushers will depend on your goals. Whether you’re aiming for size, strength, or endurance, tweaking your training volume is important for maximizing results.

For Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth)

If your goal is to build bigger triceps, aim for moderate weight and higher rep ranges. Stick to 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per session. This range is ideal for hypertrophy, which is the process of increasing muscle size.

For Strength Building

To build strength, you’ll want to focus on lower rep ranges with heavier weights. Aim for 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps, gradually increasing the weight as you progress. Skull crushers are primarily for isolation, so don’t go too heavy to the point of losing form, but the increased load will still build strength over time.

For Endurance

If endurance is your goal, go lighter on the weights and increase your reps to 15-20 per set. This approach will help improve the muscle’s ability to sustain activity over time, which can be beneficial in activities like sports or long-duration lifting sessions.

10. Skull Crushers for Beginners

Skull crushers are an excellent exercise for beginners looking to build strong, well-defined triceps. That said, starting with the right approach is essential to avoid injury and ensure steady progress.

Starting With Light Weight

As a beginner, it’s important to start with lighter weights to perfect your form. Focus on controlling the movement and learning how to properly engage your triceps. You don’t need to lift heavy to see results in the beginning—building a solid foundation is key.

Mastering the Technique

Before you even think about adding more weight, make sure you’re using the correct technique. It’s common for beginners to let their elbows flare out, which reduces triceps activation and increases the risk of injury. Keep your elbows tucked and the movement controlled to fully target the triceps.

11. Advanced Techniques for Skull Crushers

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can start incorporating advanced techniques to keep your triceps workouts challenging and fresh. Here are some strategies for experienced lifters who want to take their triceps training to the next level.

Drop Sets

A drop set involves performing skull crushers to failure, then immediately reducing the weight and continuing the set. This method is excellent for increasing muscle fatigue and stimulating hypertrophy by pushing your muscles beyond their normal limits.

12. How to Build a Complete Triceps Workout

While skull crushers are a phenomenal exercise for building triceps, they should be part of a well-rounded triceps workout that includes other movements targeting the different heads of the triceps.

Complementary Exercises for Triceps

  1. Close-Grip Bench Press: Focuses on the lateral and medial heads of the triceps while also engaging the chest and shoulders.
  2. Overhead Triceps Extension: Targets the long head of the triceps, which is important for building overall size.
  3. Tricep Dips: Compound movement that works the entire triceps muscle as well as the shoulders and chest.

By combining skull crushers with these exercises, you’ll develop all three heads of the triceps for fuller, stronger arms.

13. Skull Crushers for Muscle Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy is all about increasing muscle size, and skull crushers are one of the best isolation exercises to achieve that for the triceps. To maximize hypertrophy, you need to focus on both progressive overload and proper nutrition.

Progressive Overload

Over time, you should gradually increase the amount of weight you use for skull crushers. This signals to your body that it needs to build more muscle to handle the increased load. Start by increasing the weight slightly every few weeks while maintaining perfect form.

14. Skull Crushers for Strength Building

If you’re primarily interested in strength building, skull crushers can still play an important role in your workout routine. While they are more known for hypertrophy, using heavier weights with lower rep ranges can build the strength necessary for compound lifts like the bench press.

15. Nutrition for Building Bigger Triceps

Exercise alone won’t give you the results you’re after—you also need to pay attention to your diet. Protein is crucial for muscle recovery and growth, so make sure you’re eating enough throughout the day. Aim for 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

16. Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many times per week should I do skull crushers?

Twice a week is ideal for most people, as it allows enough recovery time while still providing adequate stimulation for muscle growth.

2. Can I do skull crushers with a straight bar?

Yes, but using a straight bar can put more stress on your wrists. Many people prefer an EZ bar or dumbbells to reduce discomfort.

3. What’s the best alternative to skull crushers?

Close-grip bench presses or overhead triceps extensions are excellent alternatives that target the same muscles in slightly different ways.

4. Should I lock out my elbows during skull crushers?

It’s okay to fully extend your arms at the top of the movement, but don’t hyperextend your elbows. This can put unnecessary stress on the joint.

5. How much weight should I use for skull crushers?

Start light, especially if you’re new to the exercise. Focus on form first, then gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the movement.

6. Can I add skull crushers to my chest day workout?

Yes! Skull crushers can complement your chest day workout, especially if you’re already performing pressing exercises that target the triceps indirectly.

build insane triceps by doing skull crushers – laz – tymoff

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